Registration for the UK Cilia Network fall meeting (October 6th, 2023 Edinburgh) is now live!
Registration is now open for our first in-person UK Cilia Network meeting since lock-down- we look forward to welcoming you in Edinburgh. In addition to guaranteed great science and fantastic interactions, we will also be shaping our ECR network and leadership opportunities in our Executive. Our keynote will be from Prof Dagmar Wachten (Bonn, DE) entitled 'Shedding light on ciliary signaling and function', and we will have the launch of the MRC/NIHR Renal Ciliopathies National Network, led by Prof John Sayer.
To join us, please complete this form and if interested in being considered for an oral and/poster presentation, upload an abstract ( Deadline for consideration is 04/09/2023 17:00. Abstracts can be editted repeatedly up until that date.
All of this will help us get a schedule live by 11/09/2023 and get planning with poster boards and logistics, sticking to important traditions such as sign-ups for cilia-themed baked goods and numbers for the pub afterwards.
As has been mentioned this is an important meeting too about shaping the future of our UK Cilia Network in terms of elections for our new ECR reps and nominations for our Leadership team. It is also an opportunity to discuss growing research collaborations and patient opportunities with CILIA-REN and the CIliopathy Alliance, and leveraging the incredible resources and communities we have within the UK space. We hope you can join us.
We are grateful to our sponsors Ciliopathy Alliance, CILIA-REN: Renal Ciliopathies National Network, Epithelix and Proteintech for keeping this event free and open to all.