We are pleased to welcome our MRC NMGN postdoc Dr Marina Arbi to the team!

A big welcome to Dr Marina Arbi who had been a postdoctoral researcher in Zoi Lygerou's lab, at the Medical School of the University of Patras, Greece. Here she worked on an independent junior leader on her project: "From Two to Many: Geminin family members control centriole amplification, cilia formation and pathology", awarded by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation. nterest has been focused on centriole and cilia biology. Marina has done elegant work to understand the role of the cell cycle-related proteins Geminin, GemC1 and McIdas in multiciliogenesis using advanced imaging, proteomics, biochemistry and mouse models.

She joins the team as our MRC National Mouse Genetics Network Congenital Anomalies Cluster postdoc to work on preclinical models of ciliopathies to understand disease mechanisms and accelerate therapies. We are so glad to have you onboard!